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Socket logoSocket

This page gathers Socket vaults built on top of Socket Data Layer cross chain messaging protocol.
The security parameters of each individual token and vault must be individually assessed, and can be changed by the developers. DYOR and use Socket at your own risk.
  • Total value locked
    $51.51 M4.97%
  • Destination
  • Validated by
    Third Party
  • Type
    Token Bridge
  • ...

    Detailed description

    This page gathers Socket vaults built on top of Socket Data Layer cross chain messaging protocol.

    Socket is highly flexible and configurable and risks vary depending on the current configuration of the specific route. It allows to define custom Token Vaults that communicate using different messaging protocols. Token Vaults are connected via Plugs and Switchboards to their remote counterparts. The central contract on each chain, Socket, stores the configuration of all Plugs and Switchboards. Some Switchboards may be as secure as “native” (canonical) bridge, some may use simple Relayers/Watchers to move messages across chains.

    Risk summary
    The security parameters of each individual token and vault must be individually assessed, and can be changed by the developers. DYOR and use Socket at your own risk.

    Principle of operation

    Socket is a bridge framework connecting different chains via a set of “switchboards”. Every chain using Socket for some of its tokens can mix & match many switchboards with varying trust assumptions, for example mixing a “fast” route via “Fast Switchboard” with a “Standard Route” using a native rollup AMB.

    Various switchboards

    Note: This section requires more research and might not present accurate information.

    Vaults can use any registered switchboards. The validation model is chosen by the switchboard and their security can vary from using a canonical bridge to a third-party validation model.

    • Users can be censored if watchers fail to facilitate the transfer (CRITICAL).

    • Funds can be stolen if watchers submit fraudulent block hash and relay fraudulent transfer (CRITICAL).

    • Funds can be stolen if the Socket Vault owners change the Vault configuration (CRITICAL).

    1. Protocol Design - Socket Documentation

    The system uses the following set of permissioned addresses:

    Socket Owner 0x5fD7…6d34

    Account privileged to set up different roles in the main Socket contract and owner of the Socket USDC vault associated with Reya.

    LyraMultisig 0x246d…9fCF

    Multisig that owns the Socket Vaults associated with Lyra. This is a Gnosis Safe with 2 / 3 threshold.

    LyraMultisig participants 0xb88D…1F650x76E6…6D520x4cEa…9F12

    Those are the participants of the LyraMultisig.

    Hook Vault Owner. 0x3B88…81BF

    EOA that owns the Socket WETH Vault associated with hook.xyz.

    Smart contracts
    Note: This section requires more research and might not present accurate information.
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture
    A diagram of the smart contract architecture

    The system consists of the following smart contracts:

    Central contract in Socket SuperBridge holding configuration of all Plugs and associated Switchboards.

    FastSwitchboard 0xD5a8…F5cD

    Fast Switchboard having a set of Watchers authorizing transfers. If the transfer is not explicitly authorized within certain period of time, it is optimistically considered to be valid. Watchers can also stop (trip) an invalid transfer.

    PolygonL1Switchboard 0x0534…62CD

    Switchboard using native Polygon message passing.

    OptimismSwitchboard 0x139f…c287

    Switchboard using native Optimism message passing.

    ArbitrumL1Switchboard 0xdf5f…9CAe

    Switchboard using native Arbitrum message passing.

    ExecutionManager 0xFB4d…84E0
    TransmitManager 0xeD03…0341

    Value Locked is calculated based on these smart contracts and tokens:

    Escrow for USDC 0x6D30…cC1d

    Socket Vault associated with Lyra.

    Escrow for WBTC 0x3Eec…E3ab

    Socket Vault associated with Lyra.

    Escrow for WETH 0xD4ef…1b7e

    Socket Vault associated with Lyra.

    Escrow for SNX 0x7D7a…5592

    Socket Vault associated with Lyra.

    Escrow for wstETH 0xeBB5…24b3

    Socket Vault associated with Lyra.

    Escrow for USDC 0xdFf7…75f7

    Socket Vault associated with Reya.

    Escrow for WETH 0xB39D…CBEa

    Socket Vault associated with Hook.

    The current deployment carries some associated risks:

    • Funds can be stolen if a contract receives a malicious code upgrade. There is no delay on code upgrades (CRITICAL).